Middlesex Sessions:
General Orders of the Court

11th January 1722 - 16th January 1725

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMGO400010040

Image 40 of 2945th April 1722

Middx Ss:

Copy of Mr. John
Deputacon to be
Keeper of New Prison

Whereas It appeareth unto us whose hands and Seals
are hereunto Set his Majestys Justices of the Peace for the said
County of Middx that the Office Place or Employment of Keeper
of the Prison called New Prison at Clerkenwell in the same
County is now void by the Resignation of Gilpin Markwick< no role >
late Keeper of the said Prison , and to the intent that the said
Office or Place of Keeper of the said Prison may be duely
and regularly Supplyed with a Person fitly qualifyed to be
Keeper thereof Now know all men by these presents
That Wee the said Justices being the Major part of the
Justices of the Peace of the said County of Middx now
assembled at Hicks hall in St. John Street in the said
County (upon Speciall and particular Notice given to all the
Justices of the Peace of the same County to meet at
Hicks hall aforesaid to elect and appoint some fit person
to be Keeper of New Prison aforesaid in the Room and
Place of the said Gilpin Markwick< no role > ) pursuant to and
by vertue of Letters Patents granted by his late Majesty
King James the first for that purpose being fully
satisfyed of the Integrity and ability of John Markwick< no role >
of St. Stephen Coleman Street London Gentleman
Have and by these presents Do Elect choose Nominate
and appoint the said John Markwick< no role > to be Keeper of
the said Prison called New Prison in the said County of
Middlesex To have hold Execute and Enjoy the said Office
Place or Employment of Keeper of the said Prison and
the dwelling House Orchard and Garden there and
other the Appurtenances and all Profits comodities and
Emoluments thereunto due and of right appertaining
Together with such Fees only for Keeping detaining or
Releasing of any Person or persons comitted or to be
comitted to his Custody as Keeper of the said Prison as are
already or shall be hereafter legally ascertained limitted
or appointed by Order of the Justices of the Peace for this
County in their Generall or Quarter Sessions assembled
or to be assembled for so long time only as the Justices
of the Peace of the said County or the Major part of
them shall think fit and as longer (the said John
Markwick now declaring himself content to accept
such Fees as aforesaid) Upon Condition nevertheless
That he the Said John Markwick< no role > do (during the
time he Shall continue Keeper of the said Prison) keep

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