Middlesex Sessions:
General Orders of the Court

11th January 1722 - 16th January 1725

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMGO400010035

Image 35 of 2947th April 1722

P adjorn die Sabti Scilt Septimo die Aprilis 1722 .

Order Cons the
measureing & val
worke done by Jon.
< no role > Carpenter

Whereas by Order made at the General Quarter Sessions
of the Peace holden for this County by adjornment on the
Thirteenth day of January last It was referred unto
John Fuller< no role > Alexander Ward< no role > John Ellis< no role > of Denmark
Street Thomas Pinder< no role > and Matthew Hewitt< no role > Esquires
Justices of the Peace for this County or any three of
them to View the Carpenters, Bricklayers, Plumbers
and Plaisterers Work and materials alledged by
John Warden< no role > Carpenter to be by him provided and
done for repairing the House of Correction at.
Clerkenwell in the Said County according to an
Estimate formerly given in to the Court of Sessions
of the Peace for this County, and to see if the same
was well and Sufficiently done and performed, and
to consider whether in their Judgements he
deserved for the same and the materials by him
found the Sume of Eighty four pounds alledged
to be due to him for the said Work & Materials
or any and what other Sume, and to Certify their
Opinions touching the Premisses unto the Court of
Sessions of the Peace for this County, And Whereas
three of the said Justices of the Peace (to witt)
the said John Fuller< no role > Alexander Ward< no role > and Matthew
Hewitt have by their Report under their hands Sett
forth an Estimate of the materials and Worke
provided and done by the said John Warden< no role > at the
Said House of Correction in said Report particularly
Specifyed and that they are of Opinion he may deserve
for the same the Sume of Thirty five pounds Seven
Shillings and Seven pence half penny, and that
the Severall prices comprised in such Estimate
are full as much as are paid to any on the like
Occasion, And that as to two Articles of Carpenters
and Plumbers Work for which he Charges Nineteen
pound's and twelve Shillings they cannot find any

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