Middlesex Sessions:
General Orders of the Court

11th January 1722 - 16th January 1725

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMGO400010063

Image 63 of 2942nd July 1722

Lune 2d. die July 1722

Middx ss

Order for Stateing
Accts. of Trophy
Money Etc.

This order is
vacated by a
subsequent order
made on the 26th.
of April 1723

It is Ordered by this Court that it be And it is hereby
recomend and referred Unto Sr. Edward Lawrence< no role >
Sr. Thomas Hewett< no role > Sr. John Ganson< no role > Sr. Daniel Dolins< no role >
Sr. Isaac Tillard< no role > Knights Martin Ryder William
< no role > William Cowper< no role > Leonard Street William
Cotesworth Thomas Milner< no role > Samuel Ryder< no role > John
Mercer Nathaniel Blackerby< no role > Thomas Jett William
Kingsford and George Walter< no role > Esquires Justices of the
Peace for this County or any Three of them as A
Comittee to meet at Hickshall in St. John Street
in this County on Tuesday the Third day of July instant
at ten of the Clock in the forenoon and at such other
times as they shall think fitt to Examine and State
the Accompts of the Trophy Money last raised
Levyed or Collected in this County for any preceding
Year And to Certify such Examination of the said
Accompts under their hands upon the Inquiry by
them made of what Sumes have been raised
and how disposed of, when perfected.

Whitehall 4th. July 1722.


Letter from ye. rt.
from ye. Ld. Viscount
Townshend for
Suppressing of
unlawfull Gameing.

His Majesty has commanded me to Signify
to you his approbation of your Endeavours for
Suppressing unlawfull Gaming, which of late hath
increased in a most extraordinary and Scandalous
manner. His Majesty looks upon this good Work to
be of such Consequence to the Morals as well as to
the Fortunes of His Subjects, that he expects you will
apply yourselves to it with all possible Diligence,
that you will lay before him from time to time an
Account of your Proceedings, taking particular Notice
of the Difficultys and obstructions you meet with,
from whatever Quarter they may arise, and that you
take care to give to the inferiour Officers of the
Peace, who shall appear most active on this Occasion,

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