Middlesex Sessions:
General Orders of the Court

11th January 1722 - 16th January 1725

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMGO400010073

Image 73 of 2946th July 1722

his said Work and Materialls the said Sume of Fifty
Pounds in case he shall think fit to accept the same
in full of his Demands, And doth thereupon Order that
the Sume of Thirty Five Pounds and Fourteen
shillings formerly paid into the hands of Robert
< no role > Gentleman Deputy Clerk of the Peace of this
County by Thomas Burdus< no role > Esqr . Treasurer of the Money
raised for Repair of the said House of Correccon be paid
by the said Mr. Hardisty unto the said John Warden< no role > in part
of the said Fifty pounds, And for as much at the said Mr.
Burdus is now in the Country at a great distance from
London, and not likely to retorn till Michaelmas next
or afterwards It is Ordered by this Court that the said
Mr. Hardisty be and is hereby desired to advance & pay
into the said John Warden< no role > the further Sum of
Fourteen Pounds & Six Shillings which together with
the said sum of Thirty five pounds and fourteen shillings
will amount to the Sum of Fifty pounds for the said
Work and Materialls and in full Satisfaccon of all
the Demands of him the said John Warden< no role > against this
County, And that the Receipt of the said John Warden< no role >
together with this Order shall be a sufficient Voucher
and Discharge to the said Mr. Hardisty for such
Payments And upon Informacon given unto this Court
by John Fuller< no role > Esqr . one of his Majestys Justices of the
Peace for this County that William Holmes< no role > Gregory
Glover and Isaac Leverett< no role > (whom he had employed
on behalf of this County to measure and Value the
aforesaid Work) deserved for their Labour and pains
therein the Sume of Two pounds, It is further Ordered
by this Court that the said Mr. Hardisty be and he is
hereby desired to advance and pay the further Sume
of Two pounds unto the said Mr. Fuller to be by him
paid to the said William Holmes< no role > Gregory Glover< no role > and
Isaac Leverett< no role > for their Labour and Pains in
Measureing and Valueing the Work aforesaid, And
that the Receipt of the said Mr. Fuller shall be a
Sufficient Voucher to the said Mr. Hardisty for such
payment, And It is further Ordered by this Court that
the said severall Sumes of Fourteen pounds and Six
Shillings and two pounds Shall be forthwith Reimbursed
and paid to the said Robert Hardisty< no role > by him the said

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