Middlesex Sessions:
General Orders of the Court

11th January 1722 - 16th January 1725

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMGO400010064

Image 64 of 2945th July 1722

all fitting Countenance and Protection.

His Majestys gracious acceptance of the
Pains you have already taken in this Service ought
to be an Encouragement to you to carry it on with
Unanimity and Vigour, and those who shall
distinguish themselves by their Zeal in an
Undertaking so acceptable to his Majesty and so
necessary and usefull to their Country will thereby
become more particularly entitled to His Majestys

I am
Your most humble Servant

P adjorn die Jovis Scilt 5o. die July 1722

Order of Quarter
Sessions on reading
a Lre from ye. rt.
h: ye. Ld. Viscount
Townshend concing
the Suppressing of
Gameing houses Etc.

It is Ordered by this Court that John Milner< no role > Esquire
Chairman of this Court be and he is hereby desired to
wait on the Right honoble. Charles Lord Viscount
Townshend one of his Majestys principal Secretarys
of State and to express the Dutifull Sence this Court
has of his Majestys most gracious Acceptance of
their Endeavours for Suppressing unlawfull, Gameing
and to desire his Lordship to assure his Majesty of
their Zeal to observe and perform his Majestyes
Commands contained in his Lordships Letter
And that his Lordship will be pleased to give
leave for Printing the same in the London Gazett,
And to declare to his Lordship their Unanimous
Resolution to proceed with the utmost diligence &
Vigour to suppress Gameing Houses and to give all
fitting Countenance and protection to their
inferious Officers in doing their Duty therein,
And this Court doth direct that these Resolutions
be laid before his Lordship, And doth desire of his
Lordship that the same may be Printed with his
said Letter in the London Gazett,

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