Middlesex Sessions:
General Orders of the Court

11th January 1722 - 16th January 1725

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMGO400010088

Image 88 of 2944th October 1722

Cop: of Bond given
by Mr. Jon Geary< no role > on
his being appointed
Keeper of New prison
at Clerkenwell ,

Noverint Universi per presents me Johem
Geary de Paroch Sci. Sepulchri in Com Middx
Gen teneri & firmiter Obligari Whitelock
< no role > Aro Johi Milner< no role > Aro & Leonard
< no role > Aro Justiciarys Dui Regis ad Paces
in Com Middx conservand assignat in
quingent libris bone elegalis monet
Magne Britannie Solvend eisdem Whitelock
Bulstrode Johi Milner< no role > & Leonardo Streat< no role >
out Suo certo Attorn Executor vel
Administrator Suis Ad quam quidem
Solucon bene & fideliter faciend obligari
me Heredes Executed & Administrator
meos firmiter per presentes Sigillo meo
Sigillat Dat Undecimo die Octobris
anno Dui 1722 Annoqr regin Dui
Georgij Regis Magne Britannie Etc

Whereas his Majestys Justices of the Peace for the
County of Middx being the Major part of the Justices
of the Peace of the said County this day assembled
at Hickshall in St. John Street in the said County
(upon speciall and particular Notice given to all
the Justices of the Peace of the same County to
meet at Hickshall aforesaid to Elect and Appoint
some fit Person to be Keeper of the Prison called
New Prison at Clerkenwell in the same County
in the room and place of John Markwick< no role > Gentl
deceased late Keeper of the said Prison) pursu [..]
to and by vertue of Letters Patent granted by his
late Majesty King James the first have elected
chosen nominated and appointed the above bounds
John Geary< no role > to be Keeper of the said Prison called
New Prison To have hold execute and enjoy
the said Office place or employment of Keeper

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