Middlesex Sessions:
General Orders of the Court

11th January 1722 - 16th January 1725

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMGO400010082

Image 82 of 2948th September 1722

examine into the truth of the Premisses and also
into the Demand of the Clerk of the Peace of this
County touching the Moneys received for his Use
by Gilpin Markwick< no role > and John Markwick< no role > late
Keepers of New Prison aforesaid or either of
them and also what Repaires or Improvements
have been made or done by them or either of them
at the said Prison, and what Utensills belong to
the said Prison and ought to be delivered to the
New Keeper thereof whe [..] lected, and alsoe if
any and what Moneys ought to have been
answered or paid into the hands of the said Clerk
of the Peace or his Deputy by the said late Keepers
or either of them, And to report their Opinions
touching the Premisses unto his Majtys. Justices
of the Peace to be assembled at the next General
Quarter Sessions of the Peace to be holden for
this County,

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