Middlesex Sessions:
General Orders of the Court

11th January 1722 - 16th January 1725

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMGO400010069

Image 69 of 2945th July 1722

Cop: of Bond given
by Mr. Peter Creswell< no role >
on his being appted.
Governor of the
House of Correccon
at Clerkenwell ,

Noverint universi per presentes me Petrum Creswell< no role > de
paroch Sri Egidy in campis in Com Middx Gen teneri & firmiter
Obligari Johi Milner Aro Willo Cowper< no role > Aro & Samuel Ryder< no role >
Aro Justiciarys Dui Regis ad pacem in Com Middx
conservand assign in quingent libris bone & leglis monet
Magne Britam [..] a Solvend eisdm John Milner< no role > Willo Cowper< no role >
& Samuel Ryder< no role > ant Suo certo Attorn Executor vel Administr.
suis Ad quam quidem Soluconem bene & fideliter faciend
Oligo me Heredes Executor & Administrator meos firmiter
per presentes Sigillo meo Sigillat Dar quinto die July
anno Dui 1722 Annoqz regin Dui Georgij Regis Magne
Britainie et Octave.

Whereas his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the County of
Middx assembled at the Generall Quarter Sessions of the
Peace holden for the same County at Hickshall in St.
John Street in the said County by adjornment on this Fifth
day of July instant have elected nominated & appointed the
above bounden Peter Creswell< no role > to be Governor and Keeper
of the House of Correccon at Clerkenwell in the said
County in the room and place of Adam Harker< no role > deceased
late Governor & Keeper of the said House of Correccon during
the Pleasure of the Justices of the Peace for the said County
in their Generall Quarter Sessions of the peace assembled or
to be assembled or the Major part of them only and noe
longer Now the Condition of this Obligacon is such That
if the said Peter Creswell< no role > do (during the time he shall
continue Governor and Keeper of the said House of Correccon)
Keep his constant residence there, and well demean
himself in the said Office or Employment and Execute
the same in his own person and not by Deputy, And
also if he his Execrs. or Admrs. do & shall well & truly
pay or cause to be paid unto the Sheriff of the said
County for the time being or his Order for the Use of his
now Majesty King George his Heirs and Successors all
such Sum and Sums of Money as have been or shall
be imposed and sett for any Fine or Fines by any of
the Justices of the Peace for the said County assembled
at any of their Generall or Generall Quarter Sessions
of the Peace held within the said County on any Prisoner
or Prisoners comitted or to be comitted to the custody of
the said Peter Creswell< no role > as Keeper or Governor of the
said House of Correccon for any Offence or Offences by
them comitted and which shall or without his or their

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