Middlesex Sessions:
General Orders of the Court

11th January 1722 - 16th January 1725

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMGO400010046

Image 46 of 2948th May 1722

better Security of the Government by Disarming
Papists an reputed Papists It was enacted that
it should and might be lawfull for any two or
more Justices of the Peace who should know or
Suspect any Person to be a Papist or should be
informed that any Person was or was Suspected to
be a Papist to tender and they were thereby authorized
and required to ender to such Person so known or
Suspected to be a Papist the Declaration set down
and expressed in an Act of Parliament made in
the thirtieth Year of the Reign of the late King
Charles the Second Intituled an Act for the more
effectuall preserving the Kings Person and Government
by disabling Papists from Setting in either House
of Parliament to be by him made repeated and
Subscribed and if such Person so required should
refuse to make repeat and Subscribe the said
Declaration a refuse or for bear to appear
before the said Justices for the making repeating
and Subscribing thereof on Notice to him given
or left at his usual place of abode by any
Person authorized in that behalf by Warrant
under the hands and Seals of the said Two
Justices He was by that Act prohibited to
have or keep in his House or elsewhere or in
the possession of any other Person to his use or at
his Disposition any Arms Weapons Gun powder
or an Aunnition other than such necessary Weapons
as should be allowed to him by Order of the Justices
of the Peace at their General Quarter Sessions
for the defence of his House or Person and that
any two or more Justices of the Peace by Warrant
under their hands and Seals by Virtue of that Act
might authorize and impower any Person or Persons
in the day time with the Assistance of the Constable
or his Deputy or the Tythingman or Head borough
where the Search should be to Search for all Arms
Weapons Gun powder or Amunition which should be in
the House Custody or Possession of any such Papist or
reputed Papist and Seize the same for the use of his
Majesty And further that no Papist or reputed Papist so

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