Middlesex Sessions:
General Orders of the Court

11th January 1722 - 16th January 1725

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMGO400010041

Image 41 of 2945th April 1722

his constant residence and habitacon at the said Prison
and well demean himself in the said Office Place
or Employment of Keeper, and Execute the same in
his own Person and not by Deputy and also that he
the said John Markwick< no role > do and shall yearly during
the Time he shall be and continue Keeper of the said
Prison pay the Sume of Thirty pounds of lawfull money
of Great Britain to such Person or Persons as the
Justices of the Peace for the said County shall at their
Generall or Quarter Sessions of the Peace direct to
be employed to the Use of the House of Correction of
this County scituate and being at Clerkenwell
aforesaid by Quarterly Payments at the four most
usuall Feasts in the Year by even and equall portions
The first payment to be paid on the Feast day of St. John
the Baptist next ensuing the date hereof, And that
he the said John Markwick< no role > so long as he shall
Continue Keeper of the said Prison do and shall at
his own proper costs and Charges Repair maintain
uphold and keep the said prison and all Buildings
thereunto belonging in good and Sufficient Repair
and fit for the Safe Custody of all such Prisoners as
shall be comitted to his Charge by any of the Justices
of the Peace of the said County, and that he the said
John Markwick< no role > his Executors or Administrators
do and shall well and truely pay or cause to be paid
unto the Sheriff of the said County for the Time being or
his order for the Use of his now Majesty King George
his Heirs and Successors All such Sum and Summs
of Money as have been or shall be imposed and
set for any Time or Times by any of his Majestyes
Justices of the Peace for the said County assembled
at any of their Generall or Generall Quarter Sessions
of the Peace held within the said County on any
Prisoner or Prisoners comitted or to be comitted to the
Custody of the said John Markwick< no role > as Keeper of the said
Prison for any offence or Offences by them Committed
and which shall or without his or their wilfull default
may at any time or times be received by him or his
Servant or Servants during such Time as the said
John Markwick< no role > shall continue Keeper of the said

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