Middlesex Sessions:
General Orders of the Court

11th January 1722 - 16th January 1725

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMGO400010052

Image 52 of 29410th May 1722

P adjorn Jovis 10o. die May 1722 .

Order cons the
measureing &
valueing work
done by Jon. Warden< no role >
at the House of

John Milner< no role > This name instance is in set 4214.
Saml. Sanders< no role >
D'Oyly Michel< no role >
Daniel Combes< no role >
Geo: Walter< no role > } Esqrs .

For the better ascertaining of what Sume of Money is fit
to be allowed unto John Warden< no role > Carpenter for the Work
by him done for this County at the House of Correction at
Clerkenwell and the materials Used about the Same
for which he hath Charged the Sume of Eighty four
Pounds, It is Ordered by this Court that John Fuller< no role >
Esquire one of his Majestys Justices of the Peace for
this County be and he is hereby desired to Nominate
and Appoint some fit Person on behalf of this
County and that the said John Warden< no role > doe alsoe
Nominate and Appoint some other Person on his
own behalf to measure and Value the Work and
Materials aforesaid at such time as the said Mr.
Fuller and Alexander Ward< no role > John Ellis< no role > of Denmark
Street Thomas Pindar< no role > and Mathew Hewitt< no role > Esquires
Justices of the Peace for this County or any three
of them (to whom It is recommended and referred
to see the said Work and Materials Measured
and valued) shall appoint And the said Persons
so to be appointed to Measure and Value as
aforesaid are to give an Accompt in writing
under their hands of their Admeasurement and
Valuation unto the said Referrees who are desired
to Certify the same unto the Court of the next
Generall Quarter Sessions of the Peace to be
holden for this County to the end such further
Order may be made as the Court shall think just

Address to the

The humble Address of the Lord Lieutenant
and Cutos Rotulorum, Deputy Lieutenants
and Justices of the Peace of the County of
Middlesex and City and Liberty of Westminster

To the Kings most Excellent Majesty
Most Gracious Sovereign

Your Majesty having been graciously pleased to Signifye
to us your Majestys most Dutifull and Loyall Subjects
That you have received repeated and Unquestionable

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