Middlesex Sessions:
General Orders of the Court

11th January 1722 - 16th January 1725

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMGO400010067

Image 67 of 2945th July 1722

P adjorn Jovis 5to. die July 1722 .

Order for appointing
Mr. Peter Creswell< no role >
to be Governour of
the House of Correccon
at Clerkenwell .

Jno. Milner< no role > Esqr
Sr. Edwd. Gould< no role > . Knt .

Wm. Gore< no role >
Wm. Hucks< no role >
Jno. Metcalfe< no role >
Jun. Mercer
Danl. Combes< no role >
Bastwick Johnson< no role >
Richd. Newton< no role >
Mathew Hewett< no role >
Geo: Walter
Jacob Harvey< no role >
Saml. Perry< no role >
Edwd. Grose< no role > } Esqrs .

His Majestys Justices of the Peace for this County assembled
at this present Generall Quarter Sessions of the Peace holden
for the same County Do Elect Nominate and appoint Peter
Creswell of the Parish of St. Giles in the fields in the said
County Gentleman to be Governour and Keeper of the House of
Correction at Clerkenwell in this County in the room & place
of Adam Harker< no role > deceased late Governour and Keeper of
the said House of Correction To have hold Execute and
Enjoy the said Office or Employment of Governour & Keeper
of the said House of Correction Together with all Fees P quisites
Allowances Payments Profits Comoditys and Emoluments to the
said Office or Employment belonging or appertaining during the
Pleasure of the Justices of the Peace for this County in their
Generall Quartor Sessions of the Peace assembled or to be
assembled or the Major part of them only and no longer Upon
Condition that he the said Peter Creswell< no role > do (during the
time he shall continue Governour and Keeper of the said
House of Correction ) keep his constant Residence there and
well demean himself in the said Office or Employment
and Execute the same in his own Person and not by Deputy
And that he his Exors or Admrs. do and shall well and truly
pay or cause to be paid unto the Sheriff of the said County
for the time being or his Order for the Use of his now
Majesty King George his Heirs and Successors All such
Sum and Sums of money as have been or shall be
imposed and sett for any Fine or Fines by any of the
Justices of the Peace for the said County assembled at any
of their Generall or Generall Quarter Sessions of the Peace
held within the said County on any Prisoner or Prisoners
comitted or to be comitted to the custody of the said Peter
Creswell as Keeper or Governour of the said House of
Correccon for any Offence or Offences by them Comitted and
which shall or without his or their wilfull Default may at
any time or times be received by him or his Servant or
Servants during such time as the said Peter Creswell< no role > shall
continue Governour or Keeper of the said House of Correccon
And do and shall likewise well and truly Accompt with and
pay or cause to be paid into the Clerk of the Peace for the said
County for the time being or his Deputy all such Fees as the said
Peter Creswell< no role > or his respective servant or Servants shall or
without his or their Wilfull default may during the time he
shall Continue Governor or Keeper of the said House of Correccon
receive for the Use of such Clerk of the Peace of any
Prisoner or Prisoners comitted or to be comitted to the said house

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