Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

April 1692

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS500190045

Image 45 of 6117th March 1692

Middx Ss

The Informacon of Anne Reeves< no role > upon
Oath taken before me this 17th. day of March
Annoq Dom 1691/2 :

This Informant upon her Oath Saith That a person Calling
himselfe John Price< no role > came to this Informt. and told her he
came from her husband Lawrence Reeves< no role > Who is Shipt
wth. a designe for Flanders and Sent Comendations to her
and Sent for a pott of drink and told her his money was
Short, but he had a Thimble to Sell Whereupon one Penelopy
< no role > his former acquaintance tooke the thimble and
Carryed it downe to Margarett Evans< no role > And the said Evance
Comeing by Staires bought the said Thimble of Price for Tenn
pence And thereupon the said Price Enquired what County
[..] the said [..] Evens was prtended to be her near of
Relation and made an acquaintance with her And
afterwards on Sunday the 13th. of March Instant he came
againe to Anne Reeves< no role > 's Lodgeing and dined wth. her
and after dinner Came into Evans's Roome & afterwards
they went abroad together and return'd about the Duske
in the Evening & the said Evans goeing to Light a Candle
the said price went Imediately away Whereupon the said
Evans Complained she had lost her Ring Whereupon they
followed him to Woods house and found him setting by the
fire, and the said Evans demanding the Ring he shewed it
on his finger and at the same time drew it of and
Conveyed it into Woods hand and the said Evans Complaineing
for the want of her Ring the said Wood said she should
& afterwards the said price haveing Conveyed himselfe
out of the back side she tooke up a Candle to Look
after him the said wood tooke the Candle out of her hand
& say'd she did not pay for it Whereupon the said Woods
Wife fell upon her and Ceate her & further Saith

Jurat 17th. die Marcy 1691/2
Coram me
Henry Higden< no role >

Anne [mark] Reeves< no role >

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