Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

April 1692

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS500190058

Image 58 of 6122nd February 1692

Middx Ss

The Informacon of Bridgett Walker< no role >
of the Pish of St. Martins in the Fields
in the County of Middx Spinster taken
before me this 22th. day of February
Annoq Dom 1691 and in the fourth yeare
of their New Majties. Reignes over Engl. Etc.
upon her Oath Sayth

This Informant upon her Oath Saith That on the 19th.
day of this Instant February about the houres of
two & four of the Clock in the afternoone she this
Informant did See one Elizabeth Langley< no role > come
downe the Staires of the house that was the Late King
James's Wardrope in Castle Streete above the Muze
& further deposeth not

Jurat 22 o. die February 1691 .
Coram me.
Henry Higden< no role >

Bridget Walker< no role >

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