Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

July 1695

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS500420088

Image 88 of 166


The Information of Peter Labrose< no role > [..] of ye
Parish of St: Martins in ye Feild in ye St Liblye
this day taken upon Oath before one:

Who [..] being duty sworne upon the Evangelist
Examind Sayth That One John Latham< no role > did on ye 20th of
the Instant June bring unto this Deponent a Lump of
melted Silver weighting aboute twelve Ouncer and
defined to know of him whether it was good silver whereupon
this Depont: could him that it was silver and askt' him if
he would fell it, Thereupon the St John Lathan demanelle
of the Depont to give him Six Shillings an Ounce for the
Sd silver whereupon this Examinat Sent for a Constable
[..] to bring the St John Latham< no role > before a Justice of the
Peace and furthe Sayth not:

Jurat et Examint 20o die
Juny 1695 coram me}
Michael Cole< no role >

Pierre La Brosse< no role >

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