Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

July 1695

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS500420100

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Middx ss

The Information of Thomas Stibbs< no role > att the signe
of St. Thomas neare St. Thomas Street end in Drury
Lane Tallow Chandler taken before me Ralph Marshall< no role >
Esqr. One of his Majesties Justices of the Peace for the
Said County this 21th. day of June Anno Din 1695.

Who upon his Oath Saith That upon the Tenth of this month
about Ten or Eleven of the Clock in the Evening, as he was
Standing at his doore he heard a noyse of Druma and Trumpet
and great huzaing, and being told that it was upon the Occasions
of [..] it's being the Prince of Waler's birthday And that
there was a disturbance at the Dogg Taverne in Drury Lane
aforesaid where the house was, he this Informant Sent for the
Beadles, and orderd them to call the Constables, with whome
he and Severall Others he went downe to the Dogg in his night
Gowne, takeing his Constables Staffe in his hand (haveing
formerly Executed that Office) with a designe to Seize these
who made the disturbance, But when they came there
they found the Taverne doores Shutt, and the mobb breaking
the windows and threatning to pull downe the house, who as
last For it their way in, and did Severall mischiefs there
But the persons that had Occasioned the disturbance were gone
Whereupon this Informant together with the said Constables
and others their Assistante went into the said Taverne, and
thereby good words and persuations Prevailed with
the generallity of them to leave that papish house
telling them they had done enough already, and what they did
further would be to the injury of the landlord, they did
prevaile with them to goe to the horshooe Taverne with him
to drinke King Williams health, which he begane to
them upon his Knees, calling for severall Gallons of
Sack for them to pleadge him, by which meanes heverily
beleives he preferred the house from pulling downe and
the merchants wine in the Collar from being distroyed
And this Informt. further Saith that he saw the Drumin carryed
out of the house, (& has been told that there was a flagg carryed
thence too) but did not see it) About which Drums afterwards
there arose a dispute (they then being at the Horshore Taverne
the parish of St. Gyles's ) betwixt the Constable of St. Gyles's
of St. Martins touching who should have the Custody of them
wch. Occasioned some hott words [..] amongst them, but that prsent by
ended St. Gyles's Constables who had them in their Custody Keeping of

Jurat Coram me
Ra: Marshall< no role >

Tho: Stibbs< no role >

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