Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

December 1711

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS501260025

Image 25 of 39


To ye Church Wardens & overseers of ye pece in ye Parish of
Hornsey In ye County of Middlesex, & To ye Churchwardens &
overseers of ye Pece of ye Parish of St. Giles's in ye: feilds of
ye sd County of Middlesex & to each of them.

Uppon ye Complains of ye Churchwardens & overseers of ye pore
of ye Parish of Hornesey [..] whose names are subscribed.
two of her Majesties Justices of ye Peace for ye County of Middlesex
& one of ye Quorum office Harding for [..] of Robert
< no role > , Complaints ye John Harding< no role > Child of Seven yeare of whoe was
borne in ye sd Parish of St. Giles was sesed by one Clement Harding< no role > ,
Uncle of ye sd Child. in her Custody to take care of Is with meats &
drinke with a promise to foods Clothes & ye sd Inche of ye sd Children
having Complyed with her promise, ye sd Alice Harding< no role > being a
pore woman cannot bare ye Charge of ye sd Child John Harding any
Longer, ye sd Child beeing fatherless & motherless Erris was brought
to her; soe ye her ye sd John Harding an infant to likely to become
Chargeable to ye Aforesd parish of Hornesey wee uppon Examination
Thereof & of ye sd Alice Harding doe ad [..] dge ye same to bee true,
& ye Last place of ye sd Infant John Harding & of his lawfull
Settlement was at St: Giles Parish where hee was borne
And wee therefore Esquire upon to Convey ye sd John Harding from
Hornesey to ye Parish of St. Giles, [..] hee Esquire you ye sd Church
wardens & overseers of ye Pore of ye Parish of ye Parish of St. Giles to
Esceane & prenods for him [..] an Inhabitant & Matins of your Parish
garden under our hands Use [..] this 25: day of October 1711 & In
the 10 yeare of ye Regine of [..] Sovereigne Lady Queen Anne.

Alice Harding< no role > of ye Parish of Hornesey
hath made Oath Beefore mee ye
Under written & one of her Majtyes Justices
of ye Peace for ye County of Middlesex ye.
ye above mentioned John Harding< no role >
was borne in ye Parish of St: Giles in ye
feilds , In ye sd County of Middlesex
Witness my hands & Seale this 25: Octr

Ed. Gould< no role >

Ed Gould< no role >

Oct 27th 1711
This pass was delivered to Benjamine Dee< no role >
one of the Overseers of the poor

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