Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

July 1716

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS501540188

Image 188 of 2632nd July 1716

To the Right Worpll his Maties Justices of the
peace for the County of Middlx

The humble peticon of Samuel White< no role > of the
parish of St Paul Shadwell in the said County
of Middlx Cordwainer


That your Petr is chose one of the
Headboroughs of the Said parish for this present
years, that he is a deafman and hath severall
Infirmities upon him in his head but more
especially occasioned by his setting up in the Watch
house, and Serveing the said Office, that your
petr. has appleyed to the Inhabitants of the Sa [..]
parish to receive him from the Said office but
they refused so to doe, unless your petr. would
pay his fine, but forasmuch as your petr. has
obtained Sr . Edward Northeys< no role > opinion that this
honble Bench may discharge your petr, and appoint
another person to serve the said office in his Room

Your Petr most humbly prays your
hands will discharge him

And he Shall ever pray Etc

Samll: White< no role >

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