Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

July 1716

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS501540198

Image 198 of 26318th May 1716

To. the Rt: Worsppll: his Matys. Justices of the Peace for the County of Middx

The humble peticon of Samuell White< no role > of
St Paul Shadwell In the said County

That your peticoner was at Easter last chosen Headborough for the said,
Parish. But being in Firme and not Capable to serve the same Having an
Imposthume in Each of his Eares and his Bone Rotten in one of them
and being deaf your peticoner hoped he might have beene discharged
from Serving the same the last Sessions But it being a Generall Sessions
It was Referred by the said Court to the Neighbouring Justices to
Choose another Headborough untill this Sessions in the place of your

That the said Justices and Churchwardens of the said Parish had two
persons to Inspect your perticoners Eares, Who looked on the Outside
of them But did not search them And said what was within they could
not See, But the Outside was well For which Reasons the said
Justices Did not thinke fitt to Discharge your peticoner.

That notwithstanding their Opinion the Imposthume brooke soone after
which is soe great trouble to your peticoner that he is rendred uncapable
of Following his Busynesse as he ought. Being subject to such Imposthumes eury
time he hath a little cold.

That your peticoner being Informed of Mr Nixon an Able Surgeon
your peticoner went to him for advice about his Eares Who Searched them
and said the Imposthume was in each Yeare and the Bones in one Eare
rotten And that he Did believe there was noe Cure for your Peticoner
Oath of all which the said Surgeon hath made here unto Annexed

Your Peticoner therefore humbly prays Your Worshipps
will be pleased to Consider [..] his Infirme and Deplorable
Condition And to Discharge him from Serving the said
Office, And to Nominate and appoint another fitt.
person to Serve the said Office in his stead As to your
worshippd shall Seeme Meete

And Yor: Peticoner Shall Ever pray Etc.

Samll: White< no role > .

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