Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

July 1716

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS501540203

Image 203 of 2635th June 1716

Middlx ss

To the Constable Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor of
the parish of St. Mary Whitechapple in the County of Middlx And
to the Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor of the parish of
St. Bridgett als St. Brides in the Liberty of the Citty of London and
to every of them

Tho: Sewell< no role >
Wt: Wickham< no role >

Whereas it appeareth unto us Two of his Majties. Justices of the peace for
the said County of Middlx (Quorum unus) upon the complaint of the
Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor of the parish of St. Mary
Whitechapple in the County of Middlx abovesaid that Sarah Gates< no role > (the
wife of Richard Gates< no role > ) with Three Children Vizt Mary Gates< no role > aged
about Eleven years, Sarah Gates< no role > aged about Five years and Lydia
< no role > aged about Tenn Months (the lawfull Issue of the said Richard
< no role > and of the aforenamed Sarah Gates< no role > his wife ) are lately come and
intruded into the said parish endeavouring to settle themselves there
contrary to Law, And whereas it also appeareth unto us that by reason
of the poverty of the said Sarah Gates< no role > She having nothing wherewith
to maintain her self and said Three Children The and they will
unavoidably become a great charge to the said parish of St Mary
Whitechapple if not speedily prevented, all which wee the said Justices
of the Peace doe adjudge to be true, And whereas it also further
appeareth unto us upon Oath that the said Richard Gates< no role > (the
husband of the said Sarah Gates< no role > and Father of the said Three Children
Vizt Mary< no role > , Sarah< no role > , and Lydia Gates< no role > ) was last legally settled in the
parish of St. Bridgett als St. Brides in the Liberty of the Citty of London
[..] abovesaid And upon a strict and diligent Examination wee cannot
find any legall Settlement that the said Richard Gates< no role > hath gained
elsewhere since, Wee doe therefore adjudge the said parish of St
Bridgett als St Brides to be the place of the last legall Settlement of the
said, Richard Gates< no role > and that the said Sarah Gates< no role > his wife in right
of her said Husband and his said Three Children Vizt Mary< no role > , Sarah< no role > and
Lydia Gates< no role > in right of their said Father ought to be sent thither

These are therefore in his Majties. name to charge and common [..]
you forthwith upon sight hereof to pass and convey the said Sarah
< no role > and said Three Children Vizt. Mary< no role > , Sarah< no role > and Lydia Gates< no role > from
the said parish of St Mary Whitechapple in the County of Middlx to
the said parish of St Bridgett als St. Brides in the Liberty of the Citty of
London and deliver them together with this precept to the Churchwarden
and Overseers of the Poor there or to some or one of them who are hereby
required them to receive and provide for as by Law they ought Etc fait [..]
not Etc And this shall be your Warrant. Given under our hands and Seats
this 5th. day of June Anno Dom 1716 .

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