Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

July 1716

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS501540204

Image 204 of 26329th June 1716

To the Rt Worpfull his Majts. Justices of the Peace for
the County of Middx at their Generall Quarter
Sessions at Hickshall.

The humble Peticon and Appeale of the
Church Wardens and Overseers of the poor of the
parish of St. Martin in the Fields in the said
County of Middx .


That by an Order under the hands and Seales
of Charles Battely< no role > and Nathaniel Collins< no role > Esqrs . two
of his Majts. Justices of the peace for the Liberty of
Westminster in the said County (quorum) bearing date
the Twenty ninth day of June last whereby Elizabeth
< no role > was removed from the Parish of St. Margaret
Westminster in the said County to your Petrs. said
parish of St. Martin in the Fields , whereby your petr.
humbly conceive they are wronged and aggrieved.

Your Petrs. therefore humbly Appeale
to your Worps against the said Order
and pray your Worps to appoint a
day to hear and determine the

And your petrs. shall ever pray Etc.

J Timberlake:
J. Bird}

John Bathurst< no role > }
Overseers of the poor

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