Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

December 1716

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS501580071

Image 71 of 786th December 1716

Midd ss:

Ad Genal Sessions pacis Dui Regis tent P Com Midd apnd Hicks Hall
in St. John Street in Com prd p adjorn die Jovis scilt Sexto die
Decembris Anno rui Dui uri Georgy Dei gra nunc Regis Magne
Britannie Etc Tertio

Richard Rudd< no role >

Convicted of a Trespasse is fined one shilling wch is ordered to
be estreated and he is ordered to be discharged out of his Majties
Goale of Newgate and is comitted to the house of Correccon at
Clerkenwell there to be kept to hard labour untill the last
day of the next genrall quarter Sessions of the peace to be
held for this County And then he is to find two Sufficient
Suretys in forty pounds each before John Fuller< no role > and
Alexander Ward< no role > Esqrs to keepe the peace and be of the
good behaviour for the space of one year next ensueing
towards all his Majesty's leige people especially towards John
< no role > Esqr . one of his Majestys Justices of the peace for this
County, to remaine till he undergoe the said punishmt. and find
such Suretys then to be delivered paying his Fees 4s:8d.

P Cur Harcourt

Midd ss:

Ad Session Oyer and Terminer Dui Regis tent P Com Midd
apnd Hicks Hall in St. John Street in Com prd p adjorn die
Jovis Sexto die Decembris Anno rui Dui uri Georgy Dei
gra nunc Regis Magne Britannie Etc Tertio

It is Ordered by this Court that Joseph Smithson< no role > als Loorton
who was now convicted upon an Indictmt. agt. him for a Trepass
and Misdemeanor. be and he is fined for the said Offence 1s.
wch is ordered to be estreated and he is ordered to be Stripped
maked from the middle upwards and openly whipped at a
Carts Tayle from a certain place called Chareing Crosse up
and thro' the Loaymarket near adjoyneing, to the Cuther End
of Bolton Street in Pickadilly in this County between the
hours of Ten and Twelve in the forenoon of such day as
the Sheriffe of this County shall forthwith appoint And
the said Joseph Smithson als Loorton is remanded to
his Majesty's Goale of Newgate there to remaine till he
undergoe the said punishment then to be delivered, his
Fees were paid in Court

P Cur

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