Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

April 1717

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS501610120

Image 120 of 1264th June 1717

To the Clerk of the peace of and for the County of Middx or his Law full Deputy

I William Walton< no role > of the parish of Saint Andrew Holborne in the said County
of Middx Gent in pursuance of an Act of Parliament obligeing
papists to Register their Names and Reall Estates Doe by this
Prsent writeing under my hand desire you or one of you to Register
my Name and Estate in yr. Messuages Ground and prmisses here under
mencond where of I am possess'd of and in the Receipt of the Rents and
profitts (Vizt)

All that peice or pariell of Ground being and being at the ending of Berry Street & Jermyn Street
In the parish of St. James Westmr & County of Middx where the said two Street joynes together and the two Messuages or Tenements there on built One where of is
lett on a Lease by the above Said Wm Warton< no role > . to Mr Goodman at ye. yearly Rent of Thirty Eight pounds being
the Corner House and is now in his possion and the other lett likewise on Lease to one Mr Nicholls at the
yearely Rent of Eight and twenty pounds and is in the possion of his Widowe & is next adjoyneing to the
Corner House in Jermyn Street.

Of which said perce or parcell of Ground and the said two Messnages I the said William Walton< no role >
I am possed for the terme of three and twenty yares and an half or there abouts
counting from Lady day One thousand seaven hundred & Seaven teen being the Remr
of a Longer Forme of Yeares.

And alsoe all that other peice or parieth of Ground the messuage and Stable thereon built lyeing and being in
Wardour Street Fronting the said Street eastybares [..] the [..] parish afordsaid [..] as the Same is now lett unto the Widowe Jefferson at the
Yearely Rent of Nineteen pounds subject however to an In [..] mbrance of Ground Rent of two pounds Seaven
Shillings and Six pence P and payable to Mr Edward Fellowes< no role > of Covent Garden Mercer

Of Which said last memond peice or pariell of Ground and the said Messuage
Stable & prmisses there to belonging I the said Wm Walton< no role > am posted for the Terme
of Eleven Yeares from Lady day above Said 1717 being Remr of alonger Terme of

And alsoe all that other peice or parcell of Ground and the messuage and back buildings there on built lyeing
and being in Compton Street fronting the said Street Southwards and is in the parish of Saint Ann Westmr.
in the County aforesaid & lett unto one Mr Jacob Dodson< no role > at the Yearely Rent of Two and twenty pounds
but subject to a ground Rent of Six pounds P Ann payable to the Exer [..] . of the Marg [..] ss of Hallifax

Of which said last memoned peice or parsell of Ground and the Messuage and
Building there on I the said William Walton< no role > am possed for the Terme of Eleven
Yeares counting from Lady Day 1717 above Said being the Remr of a longer Terme of years

And alsoe all that other peice or parcell of Ground & the two Messuages & prmisses there on built lyeing and
being in Orchyard Street in the parish of St. Margarett Westmr & County aforeSaid fronting the said Street
Northward One House where of is Sett unto Caplaine Knighton at ye. yearely Rent of Sixteen pounds and the
other is an Empty House late lett to the Honoble the Lady Altham at Fifteen pounds a yeare and are
Subject to a Ground Rent of Forty Shillings P Ann

Of which said last menconed peice or parcell of Ground & two Messuages & prmisses
Mrs. Catherine Barker< no role > Execrt. of Edward Barker< no role > of St. Mary le Savoy apothesary is
possed in Trust for me the said Wm. Walton< no role > For the Terme of Forty three Yeares
and one Quarter counting from the sd Lady Day 1717 being the Remr of a longer Terme of Yeares.

Wm: Walton< no role >

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