Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

April 1717

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS501610121

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A Registry or particuler in Compliance with the late act of parliament intitled an
act to oblige papists to Register their names and Wall estates) of the name of me
Margaret Smalbone< no role > of Lamborne in the County of Berks Spinster and of the Lands
Denements and He [..] ditamts: Situate lyingandbeing and ariseing in the County
of Middlesex where of the said Margarett Smalbone and or any other person or
persons in trust for me on for my benefitt or advantage is or are Seized or
possessed or in the receipt or perception of the Pents or profitts (to witt)

A messuage or dwelling house and Shed lett by me from yeare to yeare to William Hall< no role > for
the yearly rent of Eight pounds due other Messuage or dwelling house lett by me from yeare to
yeare to William Thipthorp< no role > and the Widow Stoakes for the yearly rent of four pounds due other
Messuage or dwelling house lett by me from yeare to yeare to William Wood< no role > for the yearly rent
of two pounds and ten Shillings One other Messuage or dwelling house lett by me from yeare to
yeare to Daniell Lee< no role > and William Wootten< no role > for the yearly rent of four pounds and ten Shillings
due other Messuage or dwelling house lett by me from yeare to yeare to Margarett Belwood< no role >
widow and Jane How< no role > for the yearly rent of Four pounds and two Shilling one other Messuage
or dwelling House lett by me to Rebecca Dowson< no role > from yeare to yeare for the yearly rent of four
pounds another Messuage or dwelling House lett by me from yeare to yeare to Richard Ferrium< no role >
and Richard Chun< no role > for the yearly Rent of four pounds one other Messuage or dwelling house
lett by me from yeare to yeare to William Jennings< no role > for the yearly rent of three pounds and Five
Shillings And one other Messuage or dwelling house lett by me from yeare to yeare to Hugh Latham< no role > [..]
for the yearly rent of three pounds All which said Messuages or dwelling houses with the hereditor
and appurts there unto belonging are now in the possession of the Severall persons before name
and are Situate lying and being in a place called Swan and Roy Court in Bricklane in the
parish of St Giles Cripplegate without LondonAnd all that Messuage dwelling House with the
hereditamts: and appurts there unto belonging now in the possession of Mary Hunt< no role > widow
to whom I Lett the Same from yeare to yeare for the yearly rent of Nine pounds which Said
last menconed Messuage is Situate lying and being in the parish of St Mary [..] white
Chappell in the Said County of Middlex of and in all and every which Said Messuages or
dwelling Houses hereditamts and pr milles I the Said Margarett Smalbone< no role > have an Estate and
Interest for and during the terme of my Naturall life

All which Matters and things here in before expressed Sett forth I the Said Margarett
< no role > (in pursuance of the before menconed act of parliament) doe by this writeing
under my hand desire [..] the Clerke of the peace of and for the said County of Middlex
or his Lawfull Deputy to Register and enter in the books or books Roll or Rolls which are or
Shall be by him made or kept for that purpose in the manner and in the words before
menconed M Witnes where of the Said Margarett Smalbone have here unto Sett my name
this Fifteenth day of Aprill in the yeare of our Lord one thousand Seven hundred and Seventeen

Signed in the presence of us
Mary Charwick< no role > [..]
John Lucas< no role >

Margaret Smallbone< no role >

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