Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

July 1718

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS501710017

Image 17 of 388th July 1718

To the Rt. Worshipfull his Matys Justices of the peace for the County of Maty

The humble Peticon and Appeal of Thomas
< no role > of the Liberty of Finsbury in this County Stable
Keeper .


That upon yor. petr. former peticon inhibited unto this Court setting fortt
that he had been a Housekeeper in the sd Liberty near forty years bornes
Offices, but having had great Losses and bad children was reduc'd to want
yet was call'd upon for Thirty six shillings towards the poors also for
Now paymt. thereof and for want of sufficient Distresse was by warrant
on a Saturday at night taken and carryed to Newgate and for want of
money put into the Condemned Hole untill satisfaccon made, And yor.
petr. praying releife from this Court It was ordered that the Officers of the sd
parish should attend this Court to shew Cause why yor. petr. should not
be releiv'd And on having what was alledged by him and his Counsell
and also by the Overseers of the sd parish This Court was of opinion
yor. petr. ought not to have been charged with my sum of money in the
poors rate and that his being comitted to Newgate was very irregular
And it was then by this Court ordered that yor. petr. should be absolutely
discharged from payments of any money towards reliefe of the poor of
the sd parish That notwithstanding the sd Order of this Court and in
Contempts thereof the Overseers of the poor of the sd parish of St. Giles
without Cripplegate within the Spand of One month after the sd Order
came to your petr. and demanded money of him for the poors rate &
have or since Continued so to do threateninghim to send him to Newgate
again for Now payment thereof In somuch that yor. petr. for a Considerable
time past hath been oblidged to abscond Wherefore her appeals to this Court
and humbly prays the Overseers of the sd parish may attend this Court som [..]
day this Sessions to shew Cause why they refuse to obey the Order of this

And yor. petr. shall ever pray Etc.
Tho. Norris< no role > ,

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