Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

July 1718

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS501710028

Image 28 of 388th September 1717

This Cort being informed that an Indictmt. was Ordered to be
prferred & pesecuted agt. Jon. Marsh< no role > of Kentish Towne in the
parish of St. Pancrase in the County of Middx Farmer for his
contempt in reflecting Upon Robt. Thornhill< no role > Jon. Metcalfe< no role > & Jos:
< no role > Esqrs .three of his Maties. Justices of peace for the sd County assembled
as a Comittee to consider of severall mres to them referred by order
of Quarter Sessions in relacon to the repaire of the high ways
leading from the stands end towds. Highgate Gatehouse Etc. and
sitting in the execucon of their Office & for behaveing himselfe
insolently before them & chargeing them wth. partiality towds. one
Clancey, And that the sd. Jon Marsh< no role > hadStainat the last
Generall Sess: of peace holden for the sd County obtained his
discharge of the Recogn wherein he was bound to answer
for the sd. offence before any Indictmt. was prferred agt himThis Cort notwithstanding such discharge
notwithstanding the sd discharge the Cl of the peace of [..] the County or [..]
This Court Doth Order that Deputy doe cause an Indictmt. to be preferred & psecuted agt.
the sd Jon. Marsh< no role > for the offence aforesiadby the Cl of the peace
of the sd. County or his Deputy

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