Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

January 1719

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS501750024

Image 24 of 297th September 1718

Trustees were gone away) The Said Comittee observe


That at A subsequent Generall Meeting of the said Trustees [..]
Deed was brought ready Ingrosed & there tendred to the trust [..]
to be Executed But upon reading thereof Severall of the said Trustees (being
of the long Robe) objected against the same as very improper to be Executed for
divers reasons then given And thereupon desired That A Draft of the sd. Deed
ought be said before them at their next meeting to be Setled by the Trustees
before it Shon'd be Ingrosed yet after wards the same Ingrosed Deed was carried
about to Severall of the sd. Trustees who Executee the same (for the Charges whereof
Three pounds is brought to Account by your said Trear to be paid by Order only of
Mr Fuller who promised in case the Trustees disallowed it to pay it himself but
whether the same shall be Allowed or not is Submitted to the direccon of the Trustees
Wee further observe that the sd. Mortgage Deed (as now Executed) does not been
date till the 13th. of July last & that altho' the said £2000 [..]
in his Said Cash book the 4th. of July Yet it is entree after paymts made the 15th. of
July and the Interest for the said £2000 at £5. P Cent is by the sd. Mortgages Deed
made to Comence from the 4th. day of the same July (the very next day after the
Said Order was made) And yet it plainly appears That there was no Such pressing
occacon so suddenly to load the Publick Fund with So great A Debt & at the
highest Interest For that by your said Trears owne Cash Book it appears
That near £1900 of the sd. £2000 remained in his hands till the 3d. day of Augt.
last And Almost £1200 of it till the 7th. of Sepr. following Therefore your
Said Comittee propose it to your Consideracon whether it may not before
the advantage of your Fund That Publick Notice be given in t [..]
any more mony be taken up at Interest & yt ye Security to be given [..]
well considered & Settled by Councill of your owne before the [..]
any of ye Trustees And that it may be made A standing Order & p [..]
given That no Security for any monies hereafter to be raised upon [..]
Turnpike Shall be of any Force for the future unless the In [..]

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