Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

January 1719

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS501750029

Image 29 of 2927th June 1717

The Severall Accounts in the Rept. Annexed menconed (vizt) from y [..]
exclusive till ye 9th. Nov: following.

Mr. Edwd. Byollin< no role > yor. Clk Dr.

To divers Sumes of mony as by
part [..] ters in his Cash
Book recd by him of & from
ye Collrs. of ye sewall Turn:
pikes within ye time of this

Mr. John Edwards< no role > Trear Dr
To monyes of sayd [..] 15 9

To monies recd from
Mr Byollin as above}

To money rent of
Blaith}.. 9:10:2

Do: of Justice Offley22:13:6

To more recd of Justice
Fuller upon Mortgage

To Ballance due to ye Trear128

Mr Gil: Edwards< no role > Surveyr for Islington Dr.

Nice Jeffreys< no role > [..]
Jacob Harvey< no role >

To monies recd by him of ye

Trearas above for paymt of
Labourers Etc}

More recd of Mr Byollin as
Rests in his hands4..10..7

John Marsh< no role > Surveyr . for Batle bridg Dr.
To monies recd by him of ye
Trear for paymt [..] sabrs Etc}

To more recd of ye Trear for
Expences abt ye Act}. 2

[..] halstead Surve yr of Totten hall Court Dr.

To monies recd of Mr. Trear
for paymt. of labourrs Etc}

To Ballance due to Ac [..] 1..16..4½

Per ContrCr
1717 June 27
Paid to ye Labourers T [..]
men & for bandles}
4 13

July 3..
Paid to ye Trear by severall weekly
paymts Etc within ye time of this
Act. as p pticulers}
872..12 [..]

Paid ye Collrs of ye Turnpikes ye seuall
weekly wages within ye time of this
Account in all}
90..3 [..]

Paid upon ye 6th. July last to Mr Gil:
< no role > by Ordr of ye Trear}
977.8.. [..]

per ContrCr.

Paid in pt as by pt [..] sers lowds
charge of passing ye Act}

To Carprs & Bricklayrs. Bills certified
by ye Surveyors}

To Gil Edwds< no role >
his Act &
To Ballast & Gravell313..11..0
To 1189 dais work of teams 594..10
To Billinguys standing Carts6.
To pay labourers ditching Etc 679..11..3}
1587..18.. [..]

To Jno March< no role >
Cus Act &
To Ballast & Gravell141..17..5
To 68, dais work of teams [..] 10..
To pay ditchimg labr Etc [..] 18..}
623..5 [..]

To [..]
To Ballast & Gravel [..]
To divers Petty Expences [..] by ptnrs [..]
3033..11.. [..]

per ContrCr
. By Cash pd to labourrs. as p his Cash book 503.. 10..
. By Do pd for ballast to Mr horton24..8..6

.By Do for digging & making ballast at
hampstead heath & Lewiss feild}
47..11.. [..]

. By Do pd. Teams work as p Rects35
. By do pd. for ditching as p Rects.67..19.. [..]
By Do pd. for drink [..]

The same p Contr [..]
By Cash pd labrs as p p [..] lers [..]

By Do pd. for 1154 load of Gravell vizt [..]
dd & 276 in Store [..]
By Do for 4 load of Gravell [..]
By Do for ditching for Mrs Scarf by Orde [..]
1s: of Oct [..]
By Do more for ditching [..]
By Do for Simths work [..]
By do for 7 daies plorving3.. 10 [..]
for 2 men foll ye plon10 [..]
for carrying ye plow to Islington 0 [..]
By do for 5 Ranners [..]

By Expences abt ye Act [..]
By Cash resting - hish [..]

The same p Contr [..]
By Cash pd. to labour [..]
By Do. pd. Do as [..]
By Do. pd. [..]

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