Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

July 1720

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS501870044

Image 44 of 9423rd February 1702

To the Rt: Worpll: his Maties: Justices of ye peace for ye County of Middx

The Humble Peticon and Appeal of Abraham
< no role > of ye Parrish of Hornsey in ye sd: County


That yor. Peticonr (who has not been an Inhabitant in ye said Parrish
three years) had about five weeks agoe a poors Rate for ye North Division of ye said Parish
Sent him Signed by the Churchwardens of ye said Parrish and Confirmed
by Richd: Brown< no role > and John Whetham< no role > Esqrs : two of his Maties: Justices
of ye peace for ye said County: That one William Long< no role > who has been an
Inhabitant in ye said Parrish for about Eight Years was in Easter
week last. Chosen Overseer of ye poor of ye said Parrish, and being in
Favour with ye Officers they have discharged him and Chosen Yor: Peticonr:
And that Yor: Peticonr: (being Never Nominated and appointed undr: the
hands and Seals of Two of his Maties: Justices of ye peace for ye sd: County
according to ye Statute in that case made and provided) thinks himself
Agrieved, and Humbley Appeals to this Honble: Court against St ye Same.

And Prays that yor: Worps will bee
pleased to give him such relief in the
prmisses as to yor: Worps Shall seem
meet, And yor: Peticonr: Shall Ever
prays Etc

Abra: Coleman< no role >

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