Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

July 1720

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS501870034

Image 34 of 9419th January 1720

To the Right Worpll. his Majesties Justices of the peace
for the County of Middlx.

The humble Peticon and Appeale of Severall of
the Inhabitants of the parish of Edmonton in the
Said County of Middlx


That the Vicar Churchwardens Over Seers of the
poore and other Inhabitants of the Said parish
have made a Rate for the Releife of the poore of
the Same parish at fourteen pence in the pound
and that Severall of the Inhabitants which Rent
Farmes of Considerable value are left out (and
undercharged and also the Tythes, in the said parish)
in the Said Rate, and others are Rated much more
then they pay, Soe that your Petrs. thinks themselves
aggreived by the Said Rate and appeales against the

Therefore humbly prays your Worps will be pleased
to order the Churchwardens and Over Seers of the
poore with the poore Rate to attend this Court
Same day this present Sessions to hear and abide
by Such order as this Court Shall make in the

And your Petrs Shall pray Etc.
William Jackson< no role >
Rich: [mark] Wards< no role > mrk
William [mark] Shanks< no role > mrk
James Williamson< no role >

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