Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

January 1721

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS501910059

Image 59 of 120

To the Rt. Worspll: his Majties. Justices of
ye peace for ye County of Middx.

The Humble Peticon and Appeal of the
Churchwardens and Overseers of ye poor of
the parish of Southmins in the sd County


That by Wart. under the Hands and Seals of
George Bourne< no role > and Thomas Sewell< no role > Esqrs two of his Majties
Justices of the peace for the sd County of Middx bearing
Date the 13th. Day of Octob Ano Dni 1720 Martha
< no role > was removed and passed from the parish of
Endfield in this County to the parish of Southmins aforesd
as the place of her last legal Settlemnt.

And That yor. Petrs. finding themselves aggrieved
by the sd Wart of the sd two Justices, doe humbly appeare
agt. the same;

And pray That yor. Worships would
be pleased to Ordr. that ye Chchwardens
and Overseers of ye poor of ye sd parish
of Endfield may be Sumoned to appeal
in this Court this prsent qrter. Sessions
to shew Cause why ye sd Martha
< no role > should not be repassed to ye
sd pish of Endfield

And yor. Petrs. shall pray Etc.

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