Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

January 1721

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS501910079

Image 79 of 120

To the Right Worpll his Majesties Justices of the peace for
the County of Middlx at their Generall Quarter Sessions
of the peace now holden at Hicks hall in St John Street
in and for the Said County.

These are to certifie that in pursuance of an Act of Parliament
made in the Second year of the reigne of the late King William
and Queen Mary, Intituled an Act for paveing and cleanseing this
Streets in the Citys of London and Westminster and Suburbs and in
Liberties thereof, and out parishes in the County of Middlx And in
the Burrough of Southwark and other places within the Weekly
Bills of Mortality Etc. WEE Richard Browne< no role > and Jacob Harvey< no role > Esqr
two of his Majesties Justices of the peace for the County of Middlx
both inhabiteing within Finsbury Division in the Said County
have viewed and inspected a certaine Street or lane called
Bricklane lyeing in the parish of St Giles without Cripplegate
in the said County, And Find that part of the said Street or
Lane (vizt) On the East and West Sides of the Said Street or
Lane containing in length from North to South on both Sides
thereof about two hundred and fifty four foot And in breadth
about Twenty two Foot, From the end of the pavement there
near the Gateways of Mr. John Rose< no role > and Mr. Thomas Holmes< no role >
to the houses of Adam Fuller< no role > and William Farren< no role > is very
ruinous and miry for want of being paved And allmost
unpassable to his Majesties Subjects especially for those whose
occasions requires them to goe that way with Carts or other
Carriages, And the Inhabitants of the Said Street or Lane
whose doors are paved have Suffered very much for want of
the rest of the Said Street or Lane being paved with Stone
Which Said place Soe unpaved as aforesaid Wee the said Justices
doe think Fitt to be paved with Stone All which wee Submitt to
the judgement of this Court, Given under our hands this 17th
day of January Anno Dni 1720

Richd Browne< no role >
Jacob Harvey< no role >

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