Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

May 1722

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS502030079

Image 79 of 8214th May 1722

ThemostHumble Address of the Ld.
Leintenantand Custos - Rotn Coram, Debuty
Letenants, and Justices of the peace of the
County of Midlx and City & Libty of Westmr

To the Kings most Excellent Majesty
Most Gracious Sovereign

Your Majesty having been graciously pleased to
Signifie to us yr. Maties: most Dutifull & Loyall
Subjects that you have receed repeated & His questionall
advises that Sevl. of yt. Majties. Subjects forgetting
theisAlleigiance they owe to yr. Majtie. as well
as the naturall Love they ought to bear to their
Countrey have entred into wicked Conspiracy in
Concert with Fraytors a broad for raising a rebellion
in this Kingdon in favour of a Popish Pretender
with a tratiterans design to over throwanour Excelent
Constitution in Church and State Wee beg leave
in the most humble maner (on this [..] import agt
occaision) to renew our declarations of an inviolabel
real and affecttion for Yor Royall Person and
family When wee reflect on the many Riots and
tumults of late industriouslyand [..] promoted
and carried onthis went this Kingdonin open
defiance of Law two cannott but believe that they
havebeento much Encouraged this wicked and
Traterens Designs, Wee therefore beg leave to
assume sour Majtie. that wee shall not wantwith

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