Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

May 1722

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS502030080

Image 80 of 8214th May 1722

eitherreselaconDelligence or reselacon to
put the Lanes Effectually in Execucon for the
Supresing of Practies so destructive to the peace
and quiet of our Contrey. As yr. Majtie Reign
has been a [..] Series of Goodness and favour to all
your faithfull Subjects, it has [..] also been Attended [..]
with daily instaning of mercy and grace to obstinate
and [..] perverse Enemies, And The Such repeated Acts of
Royall Clemency have not had the due Effect upon
Those Who have reviewed the benefit of them we cannot
but hope that they willreceiveraise a just indignation
in all honest Men agt. Such an gratefull and baser

We further bey have to assume your Majtie, That as we
vallue the Protestant Religion, and Civil Libertyes
or Freeborn Englishmen transmitted down to us by our
Ancestors, above all other Blessings whatsoever, he
will use all the Authority we are by Law in ested
with to presence the same, and are termin'd at the
utmost Hazard of all that is fear to us to Stand by
your Majty: and your Royall Family as the Grand
Securety and Defense of both and we the most Effectual
means to frustrate the vile Designs of our Enemies
who would Subject a Poutes tend Free People to all
the Miserys of Tyranny and Superstition

May 14th. 1722

We are may it please Yr. Majty,

Yr. Majtyes: most
Faithfull & most obedt. Subjects

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