Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

September 1724

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS502220146

Image 146 of 21616th October 1724

Middx ss:

Ad General Quarterial Session pacis Dui Regis tent-
P Com Middx apnd Hicks hall in St John street in Com-
prd. P adjorn die Veneris scilt decimo Sexto die Octobr
anno regni Dui Georgij nunc Regis Magne Britannie Etc
undecimo coram Johe Milner< no role > Johe Fuller< no role > Simone
< no role > Thoma Robe< no role > Aris & al socijs sins Justic dci-
Dui Regis ad pacem in Com prd. conservand necnon
ad divers felon tunsgr& al malefaca in eodem
Com P petrat andiend & terminand assign Etc

Whereas John Perry< no role > This name instance is in set 50. exhibited his humble peticon
unto this Court on wednesday the fourteenth day of
October instant setting forth that the Indenture
beareing date the seventh day of August one thousand
seven hundred & twenty three the Petr. was bound
Apprentice to James Edgerton< no role > of the parish of St. Martin
in the fields in this County Cordwainer , And that the
Petrs. said Master hath very much beat & abused the
Petr. and sometime since conveyed the Petr. on
board a ship in order to goe to Ireland , but being
driven back by stress of weather left the Petr. at-
Liverpoole in Lancashire without any thing to
Subsist, And that the Petrs. said Master went from
thence to Ireland and hath not been heard of Since,
And the Petr. therefore praying that this Court would
be pleased to discharge him from his sd. apprenticeship,
It was Ordered by this Court that the said James
Edgerton should attend this Court on this present
Friday the Sixteenth day of October instant at ten
of the clock in the forenoon to shew cause why the
Petr. should not be discharged from his apprenticehood
to the said James Edgerton< no role > , Now upon heareing of
what was alledged by the Petr. Forasmuch as it
appeareth to this Court upon the Oath of Methusalem
< no role > that he the sd. Methusalem did leave a true-
coppy of the said peticon & Order with Francis Corker< no role >
a servant of Mr. Funers at the Golden Bit in St.Martin
in the fields being the house where the sd. James Edgerton-

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