Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

September 1724

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS502220156

Image 156 of 21615th October 1724

Middx ss:

Ad General Quarterial Session pacis Din Regis
tent P Com Middx apud Hicks hall in St. John street
in Com prd. P adjorn die Jovis Scilt decimo quinto
die Octobris anno regin Din Georgy: nunc Regis
Magne Britannie Etc Undecimo Coram Johe Milner< no role > This name instance is in set 4214.
Aro Reginald [..] Daniel Dolins< no role > Mil Reginaldo Marriott< no role >
Henco Lowth< no role > Aris & al Socys Sins Justic dci Din Regis
ad pacem in Com prd. conservand necnon ad divers
felow tusgrn & al malefacta in eodem Com P petrat
audient & terminant assign Etc

Upon reading the humble peticon of Peter Creswell< no role >
Master or Governor of the house of Correccon at
Clerkenwell in this County exhibited unto this Court Setting forth that
the petr. upon viewing the want of repaires in the said
house of Correccon Doth find that the roof of the Prisoners
wards and the tyleing over the gateway into the said
house, as alsoe the roof of his dwelling house is
Very much out of repaire, and may be very
detrimentall to him in regard of the Prisoners
comitted to his charge, And that the Surveyor of the
Quaker's Workhouse hath informed the Petr. that the
Party wall between the said Workhouse & the said
house of Correccon will soon fall downe whereby
the life of some of his Prisoners and the Petr. & Family
may be in great danger if the said wall be not
Speedily repaired with a butress or some other
Strength to that part of it next the Work Shop in the
Ssaid house of Correccon, and alsoe that the sd. wall
had Sunk into the ground above five inches within
two yeares Past, And the petr. therefore prayingthat
this Court to grant an Order for the speedy repaire
of the premisses above menconed in such manner as to
this Court shall Seem meet, It is Ordered by this Court
that it be And It is hereby recomended & referred Unto

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