Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

September 1724

About this document type

Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS502220161

Image 161 of 2162nd December 1724

Saint Giles without Cripplegate appeales agt. St Martins
Le grand Westmr against a Warrts. or order of 2 Justices where by Tho
< no role > and Mary < no role > his Wife a Luinstick were removed by them to Cripplegate & [..]
to make good that Order they produced an Indenture of
Apprenticeshipp & Cripplegate produed the other being bound
thereby to his Father and an objeccon was raised by Councel
for Cripplegate that the Indentures were out Indented
& therefore for sd to all Intently and purpsoes wth. the Court
held accordingly and allowed the Appeale but found that
matter Spiale

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