Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

September 1724

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS502220162

Image 162 of 21610th September 1724

Westmr. Ss:

To the Churchwarden & Overseer of the
Poor of that Part of the Parish of St. Anne
within Aldersgate in the Liberty of St.
Martins le Grand Westmr ., And the
Churchwardens & Overseers of the Poor of
the Parish of St. Giles without Cripplegate
in the County of Middx respectively.

Whereas Complaint late this Day been made unto us
Two of His Majty's Justices of the Peace for the City and
Libties of Westmr. (Quordunns) by you the Churchwarden
& Overseer of the Poor of the Parish of St. Anne within
Aldersgate in the Libty of St. Martin's le Grand Westmr.
That Thomas Gibbs< no role > Jun & Mary < no role > his Wife , a Lunatick are
lately come to reside therein, not having obtained any
legall Settlement there, And are likely to become Chargeable
thereunto, unless timely prevented, which Complaint we
adjudge to be true And for as much as it appears unto as
by the Oath of the Said Thomas Gibbs< no role > that his last legall
Settlement is in the Parish of St. Giles without Cripplegate
in the County of Middx & by any meanes whatsoever hath
not obtained any Subsequent Settlemt. We the Said Justice
are therefore of Opinion & do adjudge the last legall Settlemt.
of the Said Thomas Gibbs< no role > & Mary < no role > his wife to be in the Said Parish
of St. Giles without Cripplegate aforesaid And that thitherto
they ought by Law to be Sent.

These are therefore in His Majtys Name to require you the
Churchwarden & Overseer of the Poor of the Said Parish of St.
Anne within Aldersgate aforesaid to removed & convey the Said
Thomas Gibbs< no role > & Mary < no role > his Said Wife , from & out of Yor. said Parish
to the Said Parish of St. Giles without Cripplegate aforesaid And
them leave with the Churchwardens & Overseers of thePoor there
or one of them who is & are hereby required to receive I provide
for them according to Law Hereof faile not And this Shall be your
Warrt. Given under our hands I Seales the 10th. Day of September
Anno Din 1724 .

John Ellis< no role >
Tho Gouge< no role >

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