Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

September 1724

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS502220172

Image 172 of 21616th October 1724

To the Rigt: Worpll: his Majtyes Justices
of the Peace for the County of Middx now
in Quarter Sessions Assembled:

Whereas John Hubbard< no role > , was by Recognizance (dated
the 28th. day of December last 1723 :) bound to appear at
the next Generall Quarter Sessions of the Peace holden for the
County of Middx next after the Birth of Such Bastard [..] ls
or children, which wasareor were in the Body of Sallamy
< no role > Single woman and as yet unborn, which may here after
become chargable to the Parish of St. Anne Westmr : We the
Overseers: of the Poor of the sd Parish of St. Anne do hereby
Certifys that the sd John Hubbard< no role > hath Satisfyed and
discharged the sd Parish of St: Anne of and from all Cost &
charges that may hapen or accrue to the sd Parish of St. Anne
hereafter, touching the Sd Bastard Child and Childrens and
therefore humbly begg that the Sd. John Hubbard< no role > may be
discharged from his Sd Recognizance Witness our hands
this 16th. day of October 1724 :

Saml Adams< no role >

John White< no role >
Davd. Shipton< no role > , Joh [..] }
Overseer of [..] the Poor

Saml Adams< no role >

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