Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

September 1724

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS502220182

Image 182 of 21614th October 1724

In Pursuance of An Order at Reference on the Petition and Appeal of Charles
< no role > Esqr and others Inhabitants of the Parish of Saint James Clerkenwell Referred to us and other
His Mats. Justices of the Peace residing within the Division of Finsbury wherein the said Parish doth
Lye Doe hereby Certifye unto his Majestie's Justice of the Peace for the County of Middlx in their
Generall Quarter Sessions of the Peace Assembled That we did on the Fifth day of this instant
October meet together the Church Wardens and Overseers of the poor of the said Parish being present
and heard the Complaint of the said Mr.Floyer who upon his Oath declared the Rent which he paid
of his house was Forty Pounds P Ann and the said Mr. Floyer being charged to the Poors rate for
that sume Mr. Floyer pray'd that for as much as that his Landlord Mr. Mitchell had laid down Marble
Stabbs and Chainey Peices and put on Brass Locks on the Doors and a Leadon Cistern in his
house he ought therefore not to be Charged up to the said Rent of Forty Pounds Per Annum
And also desired to be upon an Equality in regard it was alledged that some Persons were not Eated
up to their almost rent whereupon the Officers of the Parish were Examined to that matter and then
the further consideration of the said Appeal was adjourned to the tenth day of this instant October
being the day appointed to hear the rest of the Appeallants on which day we met again in order to hear
them but they not appearing save only the said Mr. Floyer we look his Appeal into Further Consideration
and it appearing there were some Mistaker yet not above one house in a hundred under rated which we
have recomended to the Officers to cause them hereafter to be rated up to the full the next
year in Order to present any disorder or Clamour which we apprehend lobe much better than by
making agreat disorder and abating rents which are now so well setled and as to the Objection
touching the Marble Stabbs Chimney Peices Brass Locks and Cistern we conceive if there be any
abatement on that account it would cause a vast deal of honble throughout the whole Parish by
reason the rest of the Inhabitants might claim an allowance on the same score And further that
we cannot setforth to this Court the Particular Names of all the said Appeallants by reason the Appeal
it self lyes in the hands of Simon Michell< no role > Esqr So that upon the whole we are of opinion the said
Mr. Floyer ought to stand charged and pay to the releif of the Poor of the said Parish of St James
Clerkenwell for the house he lives in In the said Parish after the rate of Forty Pounds P and
and not otherwise. And that all other the Appeallants ought to stand charg'd and pay as they are now respectively rated
We sitting two several days to hear their severall Peals and they not appearing to make out there respective Complaints
All which we Submitt.


John Fuller< no role >
Wm Cotesworth< no role > Junr

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