Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

September 1724

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS502220187

Image 187 of 2163rd September 1724

To his Majesty's Justices of the peace of the County of Middx in
their Generall Quarter Sessions Assembled

In Pursuance of the Order here into annexed made at the Generall
Quarter Sessions held by adjournment on the 9th. of July 1724 whereby it was referred
to the Severall Justices therein Named or any Three or more of them to inspect the
Poor's Rate made this present year for the Pish of St. James Clerkenwell in this County
and for the New Pish of St. John Clerkenwell lately taken out of and separated from
the said Pish of St. James Clerkenwell And to examine and Consider whether the said
Rate is Unequall Illegall or Unjust And whether the Petitioners mentioned in the
Said Order or any other Inhabitants are aggreived thereby and ought to be
relieved Wee whose Names are Subscribed being fiveof the said
Justices and Referrees Having met together severall Times and examined into
the premises Doe find that the said Rate consists of an Assessment of Two
Shillings and Three pence in the Pound upon the yearly Rents and & Values of
the Houses and Lands And of a Proportionable Assessment upon Personall
Estates within the said parish which Rate Saving the Right of Appeal to
Pticular Persons who may be peved or over rated therein we are of Opinion is
a Legall Just and Proper Rate with regard to Law as well as to the Circumstances
of the Inhabitants of the Pish and we humbly recomend the said Rate to be
accordingly Confirmed by this Court

Wee have also heard such of the Appellants and other Inhabitants who appeared
before us and Complained of their being over rates in and by the Said Assessmt.
and we are humbly of Opinion That the Persons after named ought to be relived
in the manner following vizt.

P Ann

Simon Mitchell< no role > Esqr. for his Dwelling
house & Stables to be reduced from 56l. a year Rent}
to 50l.

John Road< no role > from 35l. to28l
John Hooker< no role > from 18l. to14l

P Ann

Robt. Dymond< no role > from 30l. to26
George Graves< no role > from 30l. to26
William Betty< no role > from 18l. to16

John Warden< no role > taxed for 40l. Stock to be discharged of the whole
George Wilkinson< no role > taxed for 100l. Stock to be reduced to 50l. Stock.

All which we humbly Certifie and Submitt Etc.
3d. sepr. 1724 .

John Milner< no role > Henr Bateman< no role >
Ed. Gould< no role >
Tho :
< no role >
J Hardy

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