Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

September 1724

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS502220177

Image 177 of 21610th April 1724

To the Justices of peace for the County of Middlx in their
Quarter Sessions Assembled

In Pursuance of the order of referrence upon the appeales annexed
we humbly certifye that we have met to consider of the Sd. Appeales, and
doe find that Matthw. Hewitt< no role > Esqr. is rated at eighteen Pounds P anum
and Mr. George Fettiplace< no role > at thirty five pounds P anum when Mr. Hewitts
full rent is but Seventeen and Mr. Fettiplace's but thirty four pounds for their
respective houses and the use of severall goods let with the same, as marble
Slabbs and chimney. peeces, brass locks and keys to all the doors and leader
Sinks and asterues in the Kitchens; It alsoe appeares to us that Charles
< no role > Esqr . one of the Appellts. is rated at forty Pounds P annm which is his
full rent for his house and Stables with the use of the like goods place by his
Landlord in his house, his Landlord alsoe paying the Charges of the water-rent
and all the charges of the yard in which the sd. Stable Stands; It alsoe appears
to us that Henry Downes< no role > Tho: Wheston< no role > Willm. Severne< no role > Geo: Hurdle< no role > and
Willm. Pennenton< no role > are Occupiers of Stables and lodging roomes in the said
Stable yard, and that Simon Michell< no role > Esqr ., the owner of the sd. Stable yard and
buildings there, is at all the charges of cleansing repairing and maintaining
the sd. yard and Stables and Pays the water-rent for the Same, and keeps some

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