Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

September 1724

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS502220165

Image 165 of 2168th October 1724


I am Surprised to find a letter come from one Daniell
< no role > , in Print, directed to Edwd Sherrard< no role > of Ashted .
[..] this County, giving him notice (that whereas he was bound
before me for ye appearence of me Bartholomew Lee< no role >
at ye Middx Sessions of ye peace in Aprill las [..]
[..] ppearing (his recognizance is forfeited, & will be [..] treated
therefore, I think it proper, to inform you, how that
mattr is, Bartholemew Lee< no role > was brought loose, & me
for be getting a Bastard And, which was chargeable to a
parish in Middix, & he found Sureties for his appearance
al yor Sessions, which were Edward Sherrard< no role > of Ashted & Richd
< no role > of ye Same but before yol sessions came his sureties
heard he was fled, & there upon they followed law into
& there look him, & brought him to me, & surrendered Street
his body is discharge of their he which is, where upon, as I
was committing him he found other sureties, so that I returnd
to yor court both ye recognizeces, as I ought to do, but
upon ye first, I entered a discharge of ye bail, as will
appear if you wee ye recognizance, ye other ye forfeited,
therefore the first bail ought not to be greaved as
you Wry well know, & I hope you'l acquaint ye Court with
it, if occasion be, but if in ye me [..] true you have any
doubt of ye recognizance being discharged, please so far ever
[..] with a line not Leathert end in Surry, & you'l oblige

8th Oct 1724

Sr Yol humble Servt
George Ballard< no role >

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