Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

September 1724

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS502220170

Image 170 of 21619th October 1724


To the Right worshipfull his Majesties Justices of the
Peace for the County of Middlesex in their Generll. Quart.
Session Assembled

These are to Certify that John Sprainger< no role > bound by recge. before Sir Geo:
< no role > to appear at Hicks's Hall in July Sessions last to answer the
Complaint of the Churchwardens & Overseers of the poor of the
parish of St. Jno. at Hackney in the said County for begetting on the
body of Mary Gladwin< no role > Singlewoman a base Child likely to become
Chargeable to the said Parish has Fully satisfied and discharged
the said parish [..] And wee pray that yor. Worships will be please
to discharge the said Jno. Sprainger< no role > from his Recognizance Wittness
our Lands the 19th. day of Octobr. Anno Din 1724

Saml. Sailleir< no role >

John Corbiron< no role >
Robert Iles< no role >
Robt Dumbleton< no role > }
Overseers Churchwardens

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