Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

September 1724

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS502220203

Image 203 of 21610th August 1724

Middx ss

To His Majesty's Justices of the Peace
for the County of Middlesex in their Generall
Quarter Sessions Assembled.

In Pursuance of the Order annexed made at the
Generall Quarter Sessions held on the 10th. day of August
last Wee did at a Petty Sessions held at the Court
house in Bloomsbury in and for Holborn Division
peruse and inspect the Certificates given to the
Constables of the Pish of St. Giles in the Fields the
said County hereunder Named for their Trouble
and Expences in passing and relieveing of Vagrants
and do find that Severall Persons have been by
them regularly Past by the Order of Severall of
His Majesty's Justices of the Peace of this County
and that there is Justly due to them for the
Purposes aforesaid according to the Allowances
and the Rates Settled by the Sessions the Severall [..]
of Money following (vizt.)

£ s d
To Oaks Bickford< no role > 1:0:0
To Francis Heath< no role > 0:8:6
To John Fortescue< no role > 0:15:6
To Wm. Downes< no role > 0:14:6
To Richd. Bland< no role > 0:9:6
To George Lines< no role > 1:0:0
To Benjamin Dee< no role > 0:7:0
To william Oliver< no role > 0:7:6
to Joseph Devonish< no role > 0:19:6

All which we Certifie and Submitt Etc

John Milner< no role >
John Ellis< no role >

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