Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

June 1725

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS502280036

Image 36 of 6121st April 1725

Middx ss.
Henry Barker< no role >
R Bulstrode

Whereas Complaint upon Oath hath been made
into no two of his Majesties Justices of the Peace for the
County of Middlesex (Quom un) by the Church wardens
and Overseers of the Poore of the Parish of Laleham
in the said County that Anne Cannon< no role > by Vertue of a
Certificate inder the hands and Seales of the
Churchwarden & Overseers of the Poore of the
Parish of Chertsey in the County of Surry Duely
allowed by two of his Majties Justices of the
[..] the said County of Surry thereby
Henry Cannon< no role > late Husband of the said Anne Cannon< no role >
his said Wife & their Child or Children Inhabitants
in the said Parish of Chertsea , & that whenever
the said Henry Cannon< no role > his said Wife or Child or
Children should happen to become Chargeable or
[..] Releife from the said Parish of Laleham they
the said Church wardens & Overseers would receive
them back into their said Parish of Chertsea
wch: Certificate is Dated the Thirteenth day of
October Anno Dui one thousand Seven hundred and
three , And whereas the said Anne Cannon< no role > [..]
become Chargeable to the said Parish of Laleham
as Appears unto us upon Oath Wee Doe therefore
Adjudge the said Parish of Chertsea to be the place
of the last legall Settlemt. of the said Anne Cannon< no role >
and Doe therefore Charge and Comand the Churchwardens
& Overseers of the Poore of the said Parish of
Laleham forthwith to remove and Convey the said
Anne cannon< no role > from the said Parish of Laleham to
the said Parish of Chertsea , and Deliver her to the
Churchwardens & Overseers of the Poore the
or to some or one of them together with [..]
Warrt. or Order or a true Coppy thereof who
hereby required to receive her into their Care
& Provide for her according to Lane, Given under
our hands & Seales this 21st: day of Aprill 1725

To the Churchwardens & Overseers of the Poore of the parish of
Laleham in the County of Middlesex And To the Churchwardens
& Overseers of the Poore of the Parish of Chertsea in the
County of Surry & to every of them.

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