Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

October 1725

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS502300124

Image 124 of 13316th October 1725

Margaret Bosle< no role >
John Barber< no role >
Susan Griffin< no role >
Mary Scarfe< no role >
Mary Palmer< no role > }

all to receive the Correccon of the house then to be delivered
paying their Fees Sevally 1s

Elizabeth Bray< no role >
Dinah Larriman< no role >
Wm Chinnick< no role >
Joanna Johnson< no role >
Thomas Hewitt< no role >
Samuel Martin< no role >
Phebe Connell< no role > }

are all ordered to remain & be kept to hard labour untill genall the
Delivery of the prisoners in the house of Correccon aforesaid
at the next genall Sessions of the peace to be held for the
County, then to be brought to the Court to be Continued or
Discharged as the Court shall then adjudge & think fitt, when
delivered to pay Sevally 1s

Mary Upton< no role >
Mary Feild< no role >
Mary Andrews< no role >
Mary Smyth< no role >
Martha Green< no role >
Barbara Johnson< no role >
Susanna Payne< no role >
Katherine Good< no role > }

are ordered to remain & be kept to hard labour for fourteen days
then to receive the Correccon of the house & to be delivered
Paying their Fees Sevally 1s

Edward Warwick< no role >
Michael Allen< no role >
Thomas Spray< no role >

are referred to Charles Floyer< no role > Esqr to continue or discharge
as he shall be cause, when delivered to pay Sevally 1s

Stafford Reynolds< no role >
Arthur Crosse< no role > }

are referred to Doiley Michell< no role > Esqr to Continue or discharged
he shall be cause when delivered to pay Sevally 1s.

Susanna Harley< no role > is ordered to remain & be kept to hard labour for fourteen days,
to be delivered paying herstes 1s

p Jacob Bow< no role > - is discharged & ordered to be delivered to his Master Ralph Wharfe, his
are 1s

Joseph Austin< no role > is ordered to be kept to hard labour for fourteen days & is then

the wife to hame

referred to Coll Michel to Contains or discharge as he shall be
cause, when delivered to pay 1s

Thomas Jones< no role > is referred to Stephen Hall< no role > Esqr to continue or discharge as he shall
cause when delivered to pay 1s

Wm Jordan< no role > is ordered to be kept to hard labour for fourteen days, & is then
referred to Robert Dennet< no role > Esqr to continue bail or discharge as he
shall see cause upon hearing the Master, when delivered to pay 1s

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