Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

October 1725

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS502300125

Image 125 of 13316th October 1725

Samuel Smith< no role >

Convicted upon an Indictment agt him & other for an assault & false
imprisonment is fined for the Said Offrece £1-6d-vms which
to be estreated and he is comitted to the house of Correccion at
Clerkenwell aforesaid three to be kept to hard labour for the
term of two Kalender months from the Sixteenth day of
[..] october instant , then to be delivered Paying his Fees 4s 8d

Daniel Cooke< no role >

a hired yearly Servant to John Stafford< no role > Gent & being
now charged upon the oath of his Said Master John
< no role > & other Credible witnesses Sworn & examined
in open Court, to be a disorderly Servant, and to have
been drunk in his Service, & for refusing to obey
his lawfull Comands, and for absenting himself
from his Said Masters Service, and threatning to
Assault his Said Master and to beat his head
off his Shoulders, Is by the Judgment of this Court
Comitted to the house of Correccon at Clerkenwell
in this County, there to remain without bail or
Main Prize and be kept to hard labour Untill the next
genall Sessions of the peace to be held for this
County & untill he be delivered by due course of

P Cur

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