Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

January 1726

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS502320096

Image 96 of 1141st February 1726

Middx ss

By the Comrs. for putting in Execution in the said County and
Division An Act of Parliamt. For Granting an Aid to his Majestye by
a Land Tax to be raised in Great Brittaine for the Service of the
Year One thousand Seven hundred and Twenty five.

Tho: Pindar< no role > .

Rd. Michella< no role >

Robt. Tothill< no role >

These are therefore to Certifye whom it may Conserne That Peter
< no role > Esqr for his Office of Clerke of the Peace of and for the said
County of Middx is and Stands rated and Assessed in the Book
Assessmt. for the Parish of St: Sepulchers within the said Division
and County the Sume of Thirty five pounds to the said Land Tax for the present Year
One thousand seven hundred and Twenty five Had Wee doe
further Certifye that the said Clerke of the Peace Did Exhibite
his Appeale against the said Assessmt. unto us and others of the
said Comls. Acting for the said Division Att a meeting had
for the said Division the Seventh day of July last and thereby
prayed a Discharge from paymt. of the said Assessmt. Alleadging
[..] id also produceing a Certifycate bearing Date the Twenty
Eighth day of June last under the Hands & Seales of Sr. George Cooke< no role >
Knt . Richard Farwell< no role > & George Mortimer< no role > Esqrs . three of the Comls. (for
Offices) appointed for putting in Execution within the City & Liberty
of Westmr . in the County of Middx aforesd. the said Act of Parliamt.
that the said Clerke of the Peace for his said Office was and Stood
rated and Assessed in the Book or Assessmt. on Offices Executed in
Westmr. Hall Etc in the Sume of Tenn Pounds for the present Year
One thousand Seven hundred & Twenty five and that he had paid
the first Quarters paymt. thereof But for as much as at appeared
unto us and other the Comls. then present and Acting for the sd. Division
that the Clerkes of the Peace of the said County of Middx have been
heretofore usually rated and Assessed for the said Office in the said Parish
of St. Sepulchers (where the said Office hath been cheifely Executed) by
virtue of the Acts of Parliamt. made for Granting a Land Tax Etc We
and the said other Comls. then present were of opinion that the said
Clerke of the Peace was Legally Assessed for his said Office in the said
Parish of St. Sepulchers And Did therefore Disallow of his Appeale &
Confirmed the saiduntoAssessmt. charged on him in the said Parish
of St. Sepulchers Given under our hands and Seales this first
day of February One thousand Seven hundred & Twenty five ,

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