Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

January 1728

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS502490045

Image 45 of 8827th December 1727

To the Rt. Worspl his Maties Justices of the
Peace for the County of Middx at their General
Quarter Sessions of the peace now holden for
the said County at hicks hall.

The humble Petition and
Appeal of the Churchwarden
and, Overseers of the poor of the
hamlett of Ratcliffe in the parish
of Stepney in the said County of


That by Order or Warrt. under the hands
and Seals of Samuel James< no role > , & Stephen
Martin Leake
< no role > , Esqrs , two of his Maties Justices
of the peace for the said County (Quor un) bearing
Date the 27th. Day of Decemr last , Catharine
< no role > , was Removed from the hamlett of
Poplar and Blackwall in the parish and
County aforesaid, to the said hamlett [..]
on the place of her last Legacy [..]
which Order your Petitioners
they are wronged and Aggrieved.

Your Petrs. therefore humbly
Prays your Worpps would
be pleased to appoint a Day
this present Sessions for the
hearing and Determining
this Appeal and that they
may be Relieved as to your
Wisdoms Shall Seem Meet

And Your Petr. Shall pray

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